L'agence T by Talenteo

Play our quiz to support your site on the Cegid Handi Gaming Challenge!

Play our quiz to support your site on the Cegid Handi Gaming Challenge!

For the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, we are launching the second edition of the Cegid Handi Gaming Challenge.

The idea? An original video game challenge organized on each site. During this one, there will be esport, but also many messages on the inclusion within Cegid.

Would you like to test your knowledge and/or support your site for the grand finale that will take place on Thursday, December 1st? Whether or not you’re in one of the competing teams, you can play this quiz in just a few minutes.

The site with the highest scores and the most entries (in proportion to its total membership) will win an advantage in the grand finale.  Don’t hesitate to share this quiz with your colleagues!

It’s up to you to play until Tuesday, November 29 at midnight!

And don’t forget to follow the final on Thursday, December 1st from 12:00 (UTC+1) on Teams Live Event.


Cegid Handi Gaming Challenge - Season 2 - Quiz

Before we start, tell us more about you !


1 / 10

In your opinion, what is the percentage of people using wheelchairs amongst the disabled population?

2 / 10

Hiring a disabled employee clearly requires adaptations to a workstation, true or false?

3 / 10

What is the primary difficulty encountered by a person with hyperacusis?

4 / 10

How many types of cancer exist?

5 / 10

Streetco is an initiative favouring accessibility for disabled people. But what exactly is Streetco?

6 / 10

What is the best way to deal with a colleague who is visually impaired?

7 / 10

From which disability does Katty Perry suffer?

8 / 10

What proportion of the French population is concerned by a Disabling Chronic Illness?

9 / 10

I have realised that my disability increasingly prevents me from working comfortably. What should I do?

10 / 10

What assistance can the Cegid Disability Division not offer a disabled employee?

Votre score est
